Here is a little peek inside the mind of a blogger.
"I have only posted twice this week and it's already Thursday. Bad blogger. I need to write something new, but what?"
"Can't think of anything. My life is boring."
[1 hour later, after reading some of my favourite blogs.]
"I got it! I will write about... pineapples."
Okay, let me explain. During my hour of blog reading I came across this post: How Improv Comedy Will Make You A Better Writer, Blogger, and Person. What a great title, right? Christy is a writer, a standup comedian, and an awesome blogger. I love her blog because it is interesting, funny, and just a bit different from the rest. She stands out, and I always love to find people who don't fit into a niche. Wild and free, that's what I like!
Anyway, in her post she has some excellent ideas how you can use improv for your writing. Apparently, during an improv show the actors will usually ask for one-word suggestions from the audience. They can then either use that word in their scene or think up a story that has something to do with the word.
Since I was drawing a resounding blank this morning when it came to thinking up a topic to write about, I decided to give it a go.
Here is the first word that popped into my mind: pineapple.
Okay, kids, what to do with that. Hmm. Pineapple, pineapple, apple and pine... oh, I got it!
Let me tell you of the one and only time when I did a little comedic scene myself. Sort of a joke, in front of an audience.
It was the year 1989. I was 9 years old. Once a year my school did a "folkloric evening" (thanks for that translation, TU Chemnitz) for our parents: songs, little 'comedy'-acts, plays, that sort of thing. We could think up our own act - and unfortunately, my friend and I did.
Prepare yourselves, friends. Prepare yourselves for being not blown away - what's the opposite of that? Staying firmly in place? Being thoroughly underwhelmed?
Okay, here goes.
{My friend and I are on stage. She is carrying a brown paper bag. I carry nothing.}
Friend: "Hey, how are you?"
Me: "Fine."
Friend: "I've got something for you, right here, in my brown paper bag."
Me, mildly curious: "What is it?"
Friend: "Apple seeds. They make you smart! If you eat a dozen every day, you will be the smartest person ever!"
Me: "Really?! I want some!"
Friend: "It's your lucky day! I have a dozen right here, in my brown paper bag. Only DM 5.00 [5 Deutschmark].
I pull out DM 5.00 and give it to my friend. She hands over the brown paper bag, and I start eating.
Long, meaningful pause.
Me, suddenly stopping mid-eating: "Hey! I could have bought a dozen apples with the money!"
Friend: "See? It's already working!"
Friend: "See? It's already working!"
Ba-dah-bah! Throws mic away - my work here is done.
xo Miriam
Haha...okay, that story is actually kind of funny! And thank you for sharing that brilliant post. It was so much fun to read, and makes a lot of sense. I love that you applied the "yes, and..." to your post immediately. I am going to have to try it...
ReplyDeleteHa, ha :) This was very cute!!! I read that post earlier today!
ReplyDeleteBahahaha! I think you missed your calling in stand-up! ;P
ReplyDeleteThis is AWESOME! So glad to see those principles actually applied to other writers, and that appleseed joke is 100% SOLID. Keep it up.
ReplyDeleteHa! What a fun post to read at the end of the night! I can totally see you dropping the mic :). How perfect that we're seeing pineapples crop up everywhere this summer too!