Thursday, 26 May 2016

Abbey Road

Beatles Abbey Road inspired

Sometimes you see a friend's photo, love her outfit so much that you want to copy it, and before you know it you are singing "Hey Jude" at the top of your lungs, while photoshopping yourself into a Beatles picture.
What, just me? Alright, then. 

The Beatles Abbey Road
Image found here

(If you want to know what's happening at the famous road walk right this minute, you can see it on the Abbey Road Crossing Cam.) 


Anyway, when I saw Kristen's photo, I was overcome with the need to own a wide-legged pair of jeans. My fondness for boho-inspired clothes is growing ever more, so I went on a hunt for the right pair. The most important criteria was affordability - funds are tight right now. Not going shopping would be more sensible of course, but you can't always be sensible, right?

Well, luck was on my side: I found the pictured pants at Winners, on sale for - wait for it - $12.00. Twelve bucks! Can you believe it? I couldn't say no! It's like the universe wants me to have wide-legged hippie pants, and put these ones (the only pair, hanging all alone by itself!) right into my path.
There is only one tiny flaw: They are a wee but tight. If they would have come a size bigger, they would have fit perfectly. As it is, I am putting all my trust into the 2% spandex, and will wear these pants mostly after bouts of diarrhea, the flu, or when my water retention is exceptionally low. 
Or I'm using the rubberband trick, in which case they will fit just fine even on bloated days!
Thanks, Pinterest.


Pants: Winners (similar)
Top: SheIn
Shoes: Old Navy (similar)
Necklace: SheIn

Wide-legged pants

Shop the look:

Linking up with Fashion Should Be Fun, A Pocketful of Polka Dots, Rachel The Hat, Sheela writes and Elegance and Mommyhood


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