Wednesday, 4 May 2016

The month that was a roller coaster

Oh, April. Where should I start with you? It has been the most turbulent month of the year so far, and I'm glad it's over.  

There were high highs and low lows, and almost nothing in between. I laughed more and cried harder during that month than I have in a long time. 
This roller coaster ride has taken a toll on me, manifesting itself as quite literally a pain in the neck - my neck is stiff and sore, always a sign of my body that I need to take a break.  

To sum it up, this is what April was about:

Snowy died.
I reconnected with one of the girls! 
Work was more stressful than usual. 
I got to meet my yoga role model Kino!
There was an exam I had to write and freaked out about. 
I went to Germany, which was good, emotional, exhausting and sad. (Post to come.)

That was April. Phew.
I feel like I have been running for a month, and I'm looking forward to slowing down in May. I want to do more of the things I love: Blogging, reading, writing, yogaing, relaxing, and just being. 

However, when it comes to the blog, April was good: I documented a peaceful day in the life, had a style-epiphany, collaborated with Preciousy, and shared my home yoga practice tips with you. 

April taught me that joy and sadness are often closely related, that we are stronger than we think, and that every cloud has a silver lining. 

As in the previous two months, I made another "A second a day"-video. It's a bit more somber, but also joyful, because there were lots of good things as well. Like I said, it was a roller coaster. 
(If you want to see the other two videos: March, February.)

I'm looking forward to returning to this space regularly, and to reconnect with all of your blogs and comments! I've barely been gone a week, but I missed you!!


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