Saturday, 7 September 2013

Summer on the farm

It's foggy, it rained the last 3 days, I turned on the fireplace for the first time - it's fall.
I hope we will get those brilliant sunny fall days soon - not quite ready for hibernation yet.

The summer this year was exceptional -  it started early in April and lasted all the way till last week.
Apart from our trip to Germany we didn't go anywhere else, not even to the beach (whaaat?), but spent it all on the farm. It was glorious!
Our favourite summer drink: pear cider!

In the middle of the summer I took part in ABM's Self-Portrait Challenge - here are my fave summer selfies:
It was a great summer! Now I'm looking forward to hot tea, reading by the fireplace, and long walks with my dog and leaves rustling beneath my feet.
Have a wonderful weekend!
xo Miriam


  1. All of that looks so lovely, and what giant dogs!

    1. Thanks Bailie! They are all herding dogs of different breeds, because they don't eat our chickens :)

  2. AWW those dogs! Omg, so many cute animals! I die!!


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