Friday, 20 September 2013

Weekly highlights: Family time

Last week was family week! It just sorta happened that way, and I loved it. We had three out of the four kids at our house for dinner on two different days, plus one son-in-law and furry grandchild. Good times!
I also managed to paint two more walls, in Aurora orange - picture below (the Saturday one).

Dexter was intense, the very last episode ever is on this Sunday - after that it's over. I'm sad. Will he die? Will Debbie? Oh the suspense is killing me! We will all find out on Sunday...

Here is what else happened last week:

Friday, September 13th
The only good thing about Friday was that one of the orthopedic surgeons bought us donuts. I had an apple fritter!

Saturday, September 14th
May I present to you: Aurora orange walls! Colourful walls are nothing new around here, I've had a fall-colour inspired house for years (red, orange, and yellow walls) - what's special is that I painted 2 walls white! Yes, white is new for me. And I'm not stopping there - I intend to paint our stairway white as well! Pictures to follow.

Sunday, September 15th
We took off for the day and went for a beautiful roadtrip.

Monday, September 16th
Fall fashion! Took my boots out of summer hibernation.
We had two of the kids, our son-in-law, and their adorable dog Roxanne over for dinner. It was lovely.

Tuesday, September 17th
Stef, Rich and I delivered bunnies and guinea pigs to our buyer and went for Chinese food after. Mmmh, beef and broccoli with black bean sauce! So yummy.
We also said goodbye to our houseguest Jeremiah Leroy the hamster; he went back home with Stef. I will miss that little guy! He has a lot of personality. (And huge balls for such a small creature! If you don't believe me, I have pictures to proof it.)

Wednesday, September 18th
It was a day filled with chicken noodle soup, candles, and a nightwalk. We also visited Richard's buddy Wayne (aka the hero who helped us with our faulty pipes a few times).
And a coworker introduced me to new online shopping sites! So awesome! I will post about that soon.

Thursday, September 19th
A gorgeous autumn day. My lady and I went for a little walk (not too long, she was hot, her winter fur is coming in) after my massage appointment. We had a lively conversation about painting during the massage: Apparently my therapist was a professional painter for 14 years! He sternly told me I should always sand the surface before painting. (Which I have never done thus far.) Lesson learned Mister!
I also drove the Beast today! The Beast is our big truck, and I rarely drive it because
a) it's frickin huge
b) it's standard (with a really, really long gear shift - seriously, it's freaky)
c) there was this one incident involving a tree that came out of nowhere (true story) when I reversed and scratched up the side.
But I did and I drove it like a boss.
Happy weekend!
xo Miriam


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