Friday, 13 September 2013

Weekly highlights: Renos and heat

Several things happened last week:
1. We are getting our water pipes replaced. Remember when I told you about our busted water pipes? That happened a few more times, so now we are getting it all fixed. There are holes in the walls everywhere, we didn't have water for two days, and I will have to re-paint a lot, but I don't care. No more flooding in the future, hallelujah!
2. I started to paint out kitchen and living room. Will continue tomorrow. Love it!
3. Summer came back with a vengeance! It was very, very hot for a few days there.

Here is the breakdown:

Friday, September 6th
This girl has my heart. Plus she's the best personal trainer ever.

Saturday, September 7th
We had a couple friends over for dinner. The best part? Jessie brought the food! Lamb stew with potatoes, mango salad, and mango pudding for dessert.

Sunday, September 8th
Started to paint. Will post pictures when it's all done!

Monday, September 9th
It's hot, baby!

Tuesday, September 10th
Felt down. So my lover took me out for breakfast, and after we went for a long drive. He's the best.

Wednesday, September 11th
Spent a couple hours on the pond.

Thursday, September 12th
One of my coworkers french-braided my hair! Hilary, you are now my most favourite person ever. I have been growing out my hair for a year after 10+ years of very short hair. (Interested in my hair history? Click here and here.) So every new hair style is super exciting to me.

And that's that.
Off to work now, and then a 3-day weekend! Can't wait.

xo Miriam


  1. So jealous! I want to paint my apartment so much!

    1. Go for it girl! It always takes me a while to get motivated, but it's such a satisfying before and after effect :)

  2. That tea pot is super cute!

  3. Love the pics babe!! Especially the french braid!!!


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