Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Wind in my hair, sun on my face

Blogtember, day 12: Just pictures.
Last Sunday we decided to take off for a few hours, something we love to do (and don't do nearly enough). We went down familiar roads: Merritt, Savona, Cache Creek. The dry, desert-y air is what gets us every time: We are drinking it in. Revel in it. Enjoy the feeling of it on our skin, in our my hair. The autumn smell is incredible: Pine-y, woodsy, fragrant, full of promise.
It's the best air in the world, and if there is a way to have it around us every day, dang it I want to find it!
In the meantime, roadtrips are the way to go.

I took all these photos with my cellphone since my camera's battery was empty.  

Boy do I love it! Wild West beauty.

xo Miriam


  1. The black and white photo of you is lovely. It looks like you are having lots of fun on your road trip and seeing some beautiful places. :-)

  2. Beautiful picture! It looks like it was a great time.

  3. The photo of the orange flowers in full bloom is gorgeous. I always love fresh, seasonal flowers. I've been fortunate enough to live in an area where wild roses grow and it is such a treat to pick a few when they are blooming because they look so much nicer and heartier than the roses you get at a florist.

  4. How lovely, I do not miss having to pay for all the car maintenance stuff but I really do miss days like this!


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