Friday, 14 February 2014

Style: Glamorous farm girl

The other day I had an idea. I thought it was a great one, and it got me all excited! You may know that I really, really like clothes. I'm always hesitant to say fashion - I'm not exactly what you call 'fashion-forward', since I know what I like and dress in the same style all the time. Mostly, that means dresses and skirts, or jeans. 
Anywho, posing for outfit photos is always a challenge for me. You see, I can't pose. Using my dogs (or a chicken) as props is a tremendous help. So here is my idea: I thought I should dress up - and do farm chores! Instead of a regular outfit post. That way it's more natural, and you guys get a glimpse of what we do around here every day. 
Yesterday was the first time I tried it out. Have a look:

I went to the feed store and bought 15 bags of feed. Here I carry them into the barn.

Feeding the chickens, ducks and geese.

Cleaning out horse stalls.

Wheeling the manure to the manure pile. Do you see Phoebe in the bottom right corner? She stole an egg again, that rascal!

 The manure pile.


This is my horse, Nick. He's a Haflinger. A total lover, but a glutton. If I would let him he would eat all day long.

Dress: ModCloth (no longer available); shirt: Bluenotes; tights: SmartSet; gumboots (best EVER, your feet always stay toasty warm and dry - I wear these bad boys 8 months of the year): Dunlop

What do you think? Do you like these kinda "fashion" posts? I had a lot of fun doing that yesterday, no awkwardness at all for once. Wearing a dress for chores was way more fun than I expected, I should do that more often. Let me know!

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Love and roses, Miriam

Linking up with Lena B today. 

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  1. I LOVE THIS POST! hahaha it's so great. And I especially love your Haflinger. When my husband finishes law school, I have promised that we will get a show horse for me and two Haflingers for us to trail ride/drive/enjoy together.

    1. Beautiful idea! They are easy keepers, poor guy gets chunky just by looking at hay. He's super easy and calm, which is the reason we bought him, since I'm such a scaredy cat on a horse. I'd definitely recommend them!! And he's easy on the eyes (in my biased opinion lol).

  2. I love this post! You may not think so, but it's definitely something that I could see being in a magazine.

    1. Ha! Love it! You are right, everything could be high fashion if it's far enough out there. Maybe I'm fashion-y after all ;-)

  3. Way to look glam doing dirty jobs, I love it! If I showed my husband, he'd say "why don't you dress like that for chores?"

    1. Oh you should see how I usually dress: dirty jeans, old sweater, my husband's huge jacket. It ain't pretty. I have to say, it was a nice change yesterday!

  4. Love these!! This is quite a good idea. My only thing is aren't you cold?

    1. No, it was 10 degrees Celsius yesterday! So lucky with our winter this year. (Sorry east coast, I'm not trying to rub it in.)

  5. These pictures are absolutely beautiful! I am such a fan of that outfit and your gorgeous animals. Phenomenal.

    1. Thank you so much! My Haflinger is definitely photogenic, the sun brings out the golden tone in his coat. ;-)

  6. Omg I love these! They turned out amazing! And your Pyrie is gorgeous!

    1. Thank you! I think this will solve my posing issues. Plus it gets the chores done! Win-win :-)

  7. SO much fun! But seriously, how comfortable were you? I also love fashion but I find once I'm actually dressed and then doing stuff, I'm so uncomfortable. Right now I'm glad for being housebound because I seriously have no clothes that look remotely nice that fit this pregnant body of mine.

    1. Actually really comfy Stephanie! I love flowy skirts/dresses, they are my comfort clothes. And I was wearing no bra ;-)
      Your body changes so much through pregnancy, it must be difficult getting used to. I've never been pregnant, but I saw one of my best friends go through all the changes. I hope you will find a few things that you feel great in! Every body needs them. Thanks for the visit!

  8. I'm obsessed with this post!! SUCH a great idea. Love the pics. Especially the one of you and Nick. LOVE

  9. Such a good idea to use chores as a photo shoot! I love that pic of you Nick... that's a framer for SURE! :)

  10. I absolutely love this post!! It looks like something you'd see in one of those fashion magazines :) Such a cute idea!

  11. Adore this. Best outfit post ever. All the animals ahhhh <3<3
    And lol at Phoebe with the egg!

    1. She's terrible when it comes to eggs, she'll climb through the smallest space to get to them. Totally addicted! She eats the whole thing, including the shell, I always find bits and pieces in her poop. What a stinker!

  12. Oh my gosh! Nick is lovely, what a beautiful Horse! And the dog with the egg, haha, how funny!

    You look lovely while doing zee farm work. I'm pretty sure I could not do all this while looking so great!

    Corinne x

    1. Haha thanks, I usually can't either. :-P It was a best case scenario day, because it was dry and sunny, and due to our recent frost there was no mud around yet. If I'd try to recreate it now I would look like a muddy, drowned cat!

  13. This might have been my favorite fashion post ever! The manure pic was the best.

    1. It's getting to be quite the workout (at least that's what I tell myself) because it's so tall. We missed flattening it out last fall, the rain came too soon. So that's the second winter of manure! Gotta get on it in the summer.

  14. I love it!!! The best of the best when it comes to fashion posts. The chores bring back memories of childhood (I grew up on a farm/ranch). I never looked quite as fashionable though. :)


  15. Hehe neither do I normally. It's old jeans, dirty sweater and an oversized jacket - only the boots stay the same. :-)
    I never had farm/ranch life as a kid, and I just started to really enjoy it quite recently - but now I love it! Go figure.

  16. This is such a brilliant idea. I love that you made what could easily be a typical fashion post, totally original to you! And it was a lot more interesting and enjoyable that way, I might add. You should do more of these. I love your style.

  17. adorable! all i could think about was "eek! don't get your pretty dress dirty!" hahaha


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