Friday, 9 May 2014

Style: Wild hair, wild at heart

I almost never wear my hair down. Because it tends to look a bit messy at all times. Can you believe that I took a stab at styling it before these photos? No? Then I won't tell you that a straightening iron was involved. Unsuccessfully, obviously. 
I'm just grateful that messy hair is a "thing" right now (it is, isn't it?), because I got that look down. No bed head spray required!

 "Hmm, what should my next pose be?"
 "Dancing!" (Please note that I'm snapping my fingers to the imaginary song in my head.)

 Chambray shirt: Old Navy; tank: Old Navy; skirt: H&M (same skirt, different colour here); flats: very old

"I love awkward!"

TGIF friends! I hope your weekend is wonderful.

xo Miriam

Linking up with Lena and Tara

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  1. Such a pretty, flirty skirt! How amazing are those llamas in the background?! x

  2. your hair is so long all of a sudden! looks great :D

  3. My hair is of the naturally messy type too. It's totally fashionable. ;)

  4. gorgeous pics and gorgeous hair!!!

  5. Love your hair and your photos!! And your skirt. And all the company you have in your photos.


  6. Love that mint color! These are very cute and fun pictures! I'm a disaster with my hair, so no help from me in that department :)

  7. What great colours, love the look and love the setting.

  8. I'm terrible at all things girl. Hair yes, but makeup, oh what a disaster. I blame my mom :)

  9. Next time I'm in your area we're getting together!

  10. oh my goodness…i'm a farm girl too and am nowhere near as cute as you. i need to get my sh*t together, stat. stopping by from the daily tay. i'm sponsoring her this month too! thought i'd show some love. new reader via bloglovin!

  11. MIDNIGHT IN PARIS... WATCH IT... i loooooove Hemingway, and other writers of his sort.. changed my world.. doooo it

  12. Yes, lets start saying that messy hair is a thing and then we will both be very stylish!


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