Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Back to my roots

Before it all got complicated, there was just a girl with her phone. A phone with a camera, and that camera went everywhere with her. She snapped some of her favourite photos with that old phone camera, and on a quest to find a good home for all these photos, she started a blog.  

The blog has become so much more than a home for photos now, and she wouldn't want it any other way. But it is nice to remember the beginning. And sometimes, it's great to do something simple: walk with the dogs in the autumn wonderland that was today, hang out with the farm animals, and take grainy cellphone pictures. Because every so often, those pictures are the very best kind.   

xo Miriam

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  1. Hey Miriam,
    It seems we had a similar mindset! Today I paid a trip to Redwood Park, my absolute favorite spot, and wandered with the dog and snapped up some photos too, although it seems your area was quite a bit sunnier!
    Lots of love,

  2. what a wonderful place!!! I loveee the sight of a Gulmohar tree in full bloom and of course, small animals running about!! :D

  3. i think you're right, these photos are so beautiful :)

  4. Lovely! The photos and the sentiment.

  5. LOVE all the fall colors!! Very beautiful shots!

  6. I love all the fall colors! Gorgeous!


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