Sunday, 30 November 2014

November in pictures

Just when you have always thought that November is grey and dull, it proves you otherwise. And it did so in spectacular fashion! Looking through my pictures, I was struck by just how colourful this month has been, inside and outside. I also noticed that the majority of my pictures was taken with my phone this month, proving once again that cellphone cameras are one of the best inventions ever. There would be so many lost memories otherwise!

 Golden tree | Fog | Coziness | Fall walk photo tour
Rainbow | More colour | Grey, yet colourful fashion shoot | A few of my friends
Gumboots season is upon us | Lily on her coffee run | Spectacular sunset | More Goldeness
Black and white | Peacocks hanging out | Playtime
Sunday collage | Rotting earth is beautiful
Big sky country | Reflections | More colour
The open road | Cowboy country | Rainy day walks
Feather | The other side of farm life | Chicken legs
Winter morning | Lily flying (again) | Snow crystals in the air | Our Christmas tree is up!

There are 5 Lily pictures included again, just like last month. You have no idea the restraint this is costing me! It's a good thing my phone hasn't been hacked - the hackers would be disturbed by the amount of Corgi pictures on there. Just love that little Yoda-girl!

Happy First-day-of-the-last-month-of-the-year! Eeks!

xo Miriam 



  1. Beautiful, beautiful pictures my friend! You did get a lot of color in there. I really cannot believe it is December already!

  2. Such awesome photos, Miriam! Your November certainly was a beautifully colorful one and I love all the animal shots! I have to say, my absolute favorite is the little beast with the coffee cup :) Just too cute!!
    ~ Samantha

  3. So much color!!! And cute dogs. Win - win. Love the photos!

  4. I always love your picture. The animal pictures are my favorite. You really show their personalities ( or what I imagine them to be anyway).


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