Friday, 28 November 2014

Style: Deck the halls

Or the front yard, to be exact. Rich surprised me with a Christmas tree for the front yard last week, and I finally put up the lights yesterday! I usually don't decorate the outside of the house, so this is a nice change. Having a lit up tree in front of your house is a German tradition, and it will be so nice being greeted by a twinkling tree this season! 

It also stopped raining for a bit yesterday, so I took the opportunity for a few outfit photos.

Dress: Otter Co-op several years ago (similar); tights: Old Navy; boots: The Shoe Company several years ago (similar); toque: ancient (similar)

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving in America, or a decent Thursday. 

TGIF! xo Miriam



  1. You always make photo shoots look so natural. Love the outfit!

  2. I love your tights! Happy Sunday!

  3. These pictures of you are beautiful! You'll have to show us the tree lit up!

  4. You are just so cute!! That tree is awesome!!


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