Saturday, 22 March 2014

March photos

Happy first weekend of spring!
I thought I would put together the next installment of my photography project. I have taken 80 photos so far, which means we are 80 days into 2014. How are everybody's resolutions going? ;-)

What I like so much about this project is that it turns out to be a mini diary of every day. Looking at the photos triggers a little memory that I would otherwise have forgotten by now. I was under the impression that 2014 has been pretty blah so far - but when I see my photos, that's actually not true. Nothing huge has happened (yet), but countless special little moments. Not big enough to be tale-worthy, but pretty nonetheless.

I like the everyday best, always have. The big, special moments are too few and far between. And they are too heavily burdened with big expectations.

Have a look at the last 21 days of little moments:

1. Icicles
2. I have started to eat healthy(ish) again, after a winter of too much processed foods. It must be bad when you start craving raw vegetables... Spring always does that to me, wakes up my appetite for fresh salads and veggies, another reason why I love it so much!
3. Lily loves the bathtub. When I take a bath, she's right there, licking my foot/leg. Yesterday I took a bath, and she fell in. Twice! 
4. Pretty rabbit mama with some of her many babies.

1. Moss
2. The first crocuses of the year
3. Date night with my cowboy - he wears boots and a hat 99% of the time
4. After two weeks of no walks, I started walking regularly again.

1. The sun breaking through the clouds after a few days of rain
2. The bees have arrived!
3. Did some contemplating about success. This picture was done on the trampoline with self-timer in continuous shooting mode, and edited with BeFunky.
4. Brunch date with Rich

1. Watching the grass grow
2. A little creek I walk past all the time
3. Rusty old truck I walk past all the time

1. White crocus
2. A little sunshine fun with Lily
3. Richard
4. We went on a day trip and saw this cute mother-calf pair 

1. First day of spring!
2. The bone dress has arrived

Have a wonderful weekend!

xo Miriam

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  1. Amazing pictures as always!!!! Love them all!!! Bees are out for sure... I got stung last week when I was cutting my rose bushes.

  2. Love these monthly recaps! I've been craving veggies too! I always get that way too when we get to spring, I want raw veggies...I'm over all the cooked meals.

  3. Some stunning photos like usual :)
    Photography diary projects are so rewarding! I did a 365 last year and Project 52 is underway this year and its exactly as you say - a mini diary of the day. So many memories. :)
    Happy Spring!!

    1. You were amongst the people who inspired me to do this! I'm loving it. About half of the pics are taken with my phone, because phone photography has a special place in my heart. Plus I can't use the excuse that I didn't have my camera on me :-)
      Did you print your photos out and made an album or something? I'm thinking of doing that...

  4. I decided to do a photo challenge for my 30 Before 30! 1 picture for every day of 29... up to 19 in a row for me!

  5. I love all your photos-- the icicles especially are so beautiful!


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