Thursday, 27 March 2014

Style: Twirl!

Do you believe in fate?

I do.

This is a big question for a small occasion, but I live for the small occasions.
You may remember my successful shopping trip from yesterday. As soon as I got home, I changed and took a few photos, amongst them: twirling photos!
Before I show you, here are a few things you need to know:
Apparently, there is a contest going on from my fave online store, ModCloth.
I was unaware of that.
Despite checking their site daily, and thinking of myself as a seasoned online browser and shopper, it escaped me.
But what are friends for? Mariah was thoughtful enough to tweet me the link, and I need to share this with you. I just copied and pasted (I hope that's allowed?), here it is:

Please click here for all the details, but let me lay down the essentials in a nutshell:
  • It's a twirling contest!
  • Twirl in your fave dress/skirt.
  • Take a picture and submit it until 9:59 am PT on March 31
  • Upload the picture to the ModCloth Style Gallery
  • Or: instagram it with hashtag #modtwirl (don't forget to follow ModCloth on IG!)
  • If it's awesome, win $350 in gift certificates
  • Don't twirl like me.
I will practice my twirling over the weekend, because damn it, I want the money! A few notes to take home: You need a twirlicious skirt (this one isn't doing the job at all). There is something else wrong with this picture, but I can't figure out what it is. The skyward gaze maybe?  The outstretched hands? Yes, definitely the hands. Too much, right? What do you think? 
Despite that, good luck to everyone!!
(Not really.)

Here are some more un-twirly photos:

Dress: H&M; hat: H&M; scarf: Forever21 (gift); cardigan: Suzy Shier (ancient); boots; thrifted; belt: ModCloth
Dog: my own (you can't have her! The chicken is debatable.)

I am not being paid for this post (even though I would make an excellent spokeswoman, right?), I just wanted to share this with you because it includes 3 awesome elements:

1. Free stuff.
2. Twirling.
3. Taking pictures of twirling. 

Triple whammy!

Good luck to me everyone! ;-)

xo Miriam (soon-to-be-twirl-expert)

Linking up with Lena and Jenny.

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  1. Great post Miriam. I do believe in Fate. I believe that's what brought me and my sweetie together. Great looking dress. Wow you live on a farm. I wanna see Horses :D

    Laney - formally

    new links:

  2. Love the outfit! Nice blue in that cardigan. But I agree that you need a more twirly skirt to enter the competition - good luck! x

  3. Love it all!!! (Even the chicken.) I do believe YOU are going to win the twirling contest. I actually kind of like the arms wide - it shows exuberance and reminds me of Maria dancing through the mountains in The Sound of Music. If it's good enough for Julie Andrews....


  4. I'm glad you are able to enter! I think the picture needs more chickens...twirling and chickens :)

  5. Awesome twirling! So what if your skirt wasn't keeping up - it's the twirling that matters!! I'm off to look at Modcloth.

    1. Thanks! There's one day left for the contest, twirl your heart out!
      Thanks for stopping by :-)


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