Friday, 16 May 2014

"Hello, my name is..."

My dear friends, let me kick off this lovely Friday by letting you all know how grateful I am for you. Yes, you right there, sitting on your phone, reading this; you at home, sipping your third cup of coffee (oh wait, that's me); or you at work, furtively checking for any updates in the blog world. 

I love coming here every day, and it wouldn't be the same without you. Without you, it would be just talking to myself, and I'll hold off on that for as long as I can.
(Even though I have the sneaking suspicion that I will be that crazy old lady muttering under her breath to herself, cursing out the youth these days.)

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!! 

Usually I have been doing what kind souls may call a 'fashion post' on Fridays, but what realistically is me skipping and hopping along in front of the camera, with a self-timer, not knowing what the result will look like. It's a blast, and I like surprises, so that feature won't go away, no worries!

Who would wanna miss out on that?

But since I didn't get myself organized this week, and there have been a few new faces around here lately (Hi! Welcome!), I thought I would do some version of a "10 facts about me" post.

However, it turns out that thinking of 10 facts about yourself is pretty difficult. I feel like at some point or another, I already listed them here?

So in the end, for you new peeps, here is the little story of moi in a nutshell:

My name is Miriam, I'm 34 years old, and 100% natural. No hair dye, new parts, or paint of any sort on me on most days. (I'm too lazy for a complicated beauty regime.) I've been married to the love of my life for over 9 years. Incidentally, he is 25 years older than me. Neither of us chose the age gap, but we chose each other. Best decision of my life!
He has four daughter from his first marriage whom I adore. But we decided to not add any kids of our own to the mix. Instead, I have way too many dogs whom I treat like my children, and I'm a firm believer that life with dogs is the only life worthwhile living. (At least for me.)

I've lived the first 23 years of my life in Germany before moving to Canada, where I'm happy as a clam.

My biggest goal in life is to become a published author. I'm hazy on the details: novel? Children's book? Photo book? Blog to book-book? Who knows. But I'm dreaming, scheming, and trying out all sorts of ideas. Life has a funny way of working itself out - we will see what happens!

Above all, I love animals, nature, my man, stories, blogging, and inspiring people.

Thank you all for reading!

xoxo Miriam

P.S. Don't forget to join Mariah and myself in Shannon's School of Life linkup on Sunday!

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  1. I love this post and this post is so awesome. Love your outfit and that rocking picture. Who ever took that is a great photographer.

  2. I wish I was as naturally beautiful as you!!!!!!! SO jealous of your minimalist routine!

  3. love the stripe skirt... and your action fashion shot !!!
    Rich's four daughters must love you!!!!

    1. That is such a kind thing to say Erica! You are so sweet.
      We get along really well, I got very lucky!

  4. Seriously, all this time I thought you had Rich taking your photos, meanwhile you're using a self timer!!!! I'm even more impressed. Xo

  5. I didn't know he was 25 years older! I guess that's good since guys take longer to fully mature, right? That's what they say, anyway ;)

  6. Oh Miriam, you are just the loveliest person! I am so glad to call you my friend <3 You inspire me with your positivity (maybe that's a word) and creativity :)

  7. Well it's very nice indeed to find out a bit more about you, I'm one of the new followers so this was all news to me! I second the motion that the stripey skirt jumping in the air shot is one of fashion blogging's best moments, it made me smile. Looking forward to seeing more of your self-timed wonders! (I do self-timers half the time too!) x

  8. I love your fashion shoots, they have so much character!! This was such a sweet little post.

  9. Love the fashion posts obviously! Your jumping photos are awesome. :)



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