Wednesday, 21 May 2014


Some days, blogging is so easy. You wake up bursting with ideas, sit down and just do it. Easy as pie.
Other days, it's the hardest thing ever. Today is one of those days.
I've got nothing to say. My mind is a total blank. I have blogger's block.
It's not that I don't have ideas - it's that I can't grasp them. They are fleeting, wispy as smoke, and just out of reach. So I guess saying that my mind is a blank is wrong - it's filled to bursting with clutter, and I can't seem to be able to organize it.

Instead, I decided to share this month's 365 project photos with you. 

Flowers, sunset and chickens .
Since Lily has discovered the outside world I haven't been able to stop taking pictures of her.
Also: golden evening light and peacock.
My neighbourhood looking old-world perfect.
Llamas, ducklings and satellite ears.
The season for outdoor writing has started!
More Lily, an easy to care for rooster, and magical afternoon light.
Evening walks, a first-birthday party and pond swims. 

Happy Wednesday!

xo Miriam

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  1. These are all so amazing!!! I especially love the tulips and of your horse and corgi touching noses!!!

  2. awwww i'm in love with the horse of course and the ducks. too cute.

    when i have blog issues once i get inspiration I just blog and schedule blogs during the week.

  3. i check your 365 project a few times a week, because i love seeing what life on a farm looks like. you capture beautiful things!

  4. As always love your photos! The very first sunset is looks like the skyline is on fire!

  5. Those flower photos are great! I love dew drops on a flower:) Screams spring!


  6. my favorite is the sunset beautiful

  7. I've definitely had bloggers block before.
    Love these pictures though!!!! :)

  8. Oh my gosh that purple sky! Stunning.


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