Thursday, 1 May 2014

Ill prepared

It is May! That means several things:
1. According to this old rule my mom always used, you are officially allowed to walk outside barefoot now. Only in the months that don't have an 'r' in it: May-August.
2. Yesterday marked day 120 of my photography project!
That's all the pictures I have taken thus far:

To summarize: It's basically all dogs, animals, flowers, some sunsets, more flowers, campfires. And the odd photo from a fashion post. Maybe I will make a humongous photo wall once I'm done? Hmm, there's still 245 days to think about.

3. Today is the start of my insane writing adventure. As you may know, I jumped on the NaNoWriMo bandwagon - but instead of waiting till November to participate with the other crazy kids, I thought to myself: No time like the present. So today is the first day.

I sneakily attempted to get a head start last week, and tried a few different ideas out.
One was set in a senior's home; one was supposed to be about an unhappily married career woman; one was about a recent high school grad who doesn't know what to do with her life.
I hated them all.

Obviously I panicked today, knowing I have to get some sort of idea by tomorrow, and not having a clue what to write about.

So let's summarize: I have no plot, no game plan, and no support from thousands of other desperate writers.

This should be interesting.

xo Miriam

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  1. Hmmm well you could combine all three into a plot!

  2. Congrats on keeping up with photo challenge! Make sure to keep us updated so you have support from us :) Go with your gut and go with the one you feel most comfortable with writing about. I'm not saying you shouldn't challenge yourself but I think if you go with a topic you don't have to stretch yourself too much to embrace then it might be easier to get the words to paper. Then the next time you can move further outside your comfort zone. I just sent you a pin :)

  3. I think you should make a mosaic of your photos for the year. Choose your favorite and then find a software program to use all of the other photos to form a big one of that favorite. :)

    You're going to do great on that novel. The right plot and characters and everything is just going to click.



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