Sunday, 28 July 2013

Style: Jumping for joy!

Overalls and headband: Winners; T-Shirt: Joe Fresh (old); shoes: Lotta From Stockholm

I found my overalls! Finally!! Oh what a happy day, yippieh!!!

You may or may not recall that I developed a strong infatuation with overalls a while ago. Overall or not? was my question, and there was only one resounding answer: Yes please!

So the hunt began. And wasn't very successful at first. The mall, thrift stores, even my beloved online shopping all failed me. I was a bit sad.
But as any experienced hunter knows, the secret is patience, determination, and not giving up. So I didn't. I tracked them, stalked them, and today - boom, got ya! For $16.99 no less!

It was fate: I went to Winners (we have a very successful long-term relationship and are still going strong!) and poked around. There are either very good or very bad days at Winners, and it started to look like a bad one. I tried a few things on, but no keepers.
Quite often I keep an item when I come out of the fitting room, then change my mind last minute and put it back on the rack. Same today. I was just about to put my striped T-shirt back when I saw it: One single, lonely overall hanging amidst all the shirts and dresses, most likely put there by someone who had a last-minute change of heart. Hallelujah! I knew right away that it would fit, just knew it. And it did! It was meant to be!!

It's a tad short - but it fully covers my butt, and that's really all that counts. Plus it will give the folks in the old country something to talk about - we gonna go to Germany in two weeks and I will obviously bring this little gem with me!

Gosh, I love it!!
What made you happy today?

Love, Miriam

1 comment

  1. Those overalls are amazing!! They are actually the best ones I have seen. I have that same relationship with Winners. Enjoy those overalls today they look fantastic on you!



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