Wednesday, 31 July 2013

July in pictures

July is over! (Well, in a few hours it will be.) We didn't see any rain at all in the last 31 days which is pretty amazing. And a record in BC I'm told.

What did my July look like? We spent lots of quality time in our favourite spot under the willow tree (here, here and here) with copious amounts of pear cider - cider has currently replaced wine as my favourite summer drink, so refreshing!
It was also filled with BBQs, birthday dinners, a baby shower, time spent with the sweetest baby ever (yes Millie Bean, that's you my little doll!), some horse activities, shooting in the mountains, a new season of Dexter, and a lot of work. Plus a burst water pipe in the basement just yesterday.

Let's not forget about the arrival of the bestest shoes ever, finding denim overalls I had been hunting for for a few months, buying a cheap camper for our next road trip in November (I can't waaaaiiit!!), getting my bangs cut by Stef and seeing new faces here. Thank you so much for following my new friends!!

Some downs, but definitely mostly ups! It's a wonderful summer so far.

How was your July?

Off to work now for me.

xo Miriam



  1. Looks like you had a busy July with lots of fun.
    Hope your August is just as fun if not more.
    No rain in BC for the whole month, wow, when I lived there it once rained for 42 days straight.


    1. Yikes, 42 days straight? That does sound more like BC, what a bummer! This spring and summer has been incredible so far, the sun never stops shining, it's awesome!

  2. Pear cider is incredible :) And apple, too! Being in Dublin all summer I've discovered some awesome "adult" ciders...Bulmer's and Kopparbergs (not sure if they're Irish but it's where I discovered them). In the US we've got Angry Orchard, Woodchuck, and Cider boys. I love me my wine - don't get me wrong! - but cider is the way to go when you're in the mood for something a little fruitier :)
    ~ Samantha


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