Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Our secret spot

We found a magical place yesterday. It's under a willow tree, by a pond. A gentle breeze is ruffling the leaves, the sun is peaking through the branches, and the shade provides a resting place from the heat of the scorching July day.
Where is this magical place you may ask?
Right in our own back yard!
Why we haven't discovered how wonderful it is to sit under the willow tree by the pond beats me. No clue. But it was super-exciting to find our new favourite spot yesterday!
We had the best day, hanging out in the shade, photographing our duck family, and whiling the afternoon away. (I always wanted to use that expression "whiling away". It's so whimsical.)
Summer is here, it's here to stay and it's wonderful!

The dogs loved it too. Bear, our Great Pyrenees, adores the water, but does not swim - he likes to walk around in in.
I also snapped pictures from some of the other critters: 
Duck mama and her many babies out of her enclosure for the first time!
Kalle Obama is getting so big! He's almost 8 months old

These twins were born Sunday night. Two girls!

Our jungle
That's why our lawn has so many holes.

I love summer!
xo Miriam



  1. What an amazing spot! and in your own backyard, so lucky.
    Loving all your animals as well. Looks so peaceful.


  2. It looks so peaceful there! Nice pictures Miriam!!

  3. you take beautiful pictures!! and what a magical spot :D


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