Sunday, 14 July 2013

Pond reflections, snakes in the grass, and a bit more about bangs

In case you are wondering about the title: as I took a few pictures yesterday at the pond I thought "I'm gonna call this post 'reflections'."

But then this happened:
Rich said: "They look like snakes!", and I have to agree with him. Thus, a long, cumbersome title this time.

Yesterday was half work, half play. We went into town to do a little bit of yard work (meaning Richard did the work, I got a house tour from the owner of his fantastic industrial-style townhouse. It was amazing). Across from there were these adorable houses:
Looks like Sweden, right? Lovely.

After that we picked up our daughter and she did this:
I got my bangs!! So stoked about it. Thanks Stef!

And then we went to our pond and relaxed. The neighbours had a party going on and the music drifted over to us. It was 70s-style dance music! Right up our ally. So we had a few drinks and participated from afar.

Plus we watched the birds coming to the pond: It was like sitting somewhere in Africa by a watering hole and watching the wildlife that comes for a drink. Very cool.
Our pair of Ruddy Shelducks are currently in jail (meaning in one of our big coops) because they are so aggressive and wouldn't let any of the other birds on the pond. Great parents those Shelducks, but hard to get along with.
So now everybody else can relax and enjoy the water!

Have a nice Sunday!

xoxo Miriam


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