Thursday, 11 July 2013


I miss you guys!!
It's been (only) 3 days since I last blogged, and it's way too long for me. I miss it. I have all these ideas floating in my head about what I wanna post next, and no time to do it.
Work is seriously cramping my style. Hrumph. Plus a few doctor's appointments these week, just maintenance stuff for the old body.
I tell ya, you are over 30 and suddenly the warranty is up. Physicals, scans, eye exams... the fun never stops. Thankfully I got the dentist out of the way a month ago or I would be ready to shoot myself.

But on the bright side, I'm off today and we have a fun little outing planned, and you will obviously be the first to know about it!

I'm seriously working on getting a bit more organized about the whole blogging business and to start jotting ideas down. So I can write about it later if need be. Up to now I had no concept, just wrote about whatever popped into my head willy-nilly. That approach doesn't always work very well in everyday life.
Let's get organized!

So, what happened over the last few days? Not very much indeed. Working odd hours. The aforementioned doctor's appointments.
Some walks with the doggies. The usual.

Not enough of this:
Or that:

So what does a girl do when it's all work and no play?

Retail therapy!
In my case: a pair of clogs.
I have been lusting after a pair of Swedish Hasbeens for weeks now.


Aren't they so pretty? Plus all the cool bloggers wear them!
Emma and Elsie from A Beautiful Mess                                          Katie from Skunkboy Blog
The problem is, they are quite pricey. Around $200.00. Too much for little old me. (sad face)

But then something wonderful happened: I searched amazon for Swedish Hasbeens, in the hopes that there might be a sale, and found this other wonderful company: Lotta from Stockholm.
They make clogs that look exactly like Swedish Hasbeens, but for half the price! Heaven!!

Plus a full 5 stars on the customer reviews and nothing but the highest praise. These people wouldn't lie, right?
So I sprinted to my wallet, grabbed my credit card, and ordered these babies:
I cannot wait. I chose a closed-toe because then I can wear them almost year-round: barefoot in the summer, with tights in the fall and winter! Plus I'm part of the cool blogger-gang.

Okay, off I go now, the hubster keeps calling me, it's time for our little adventure.

See ya tomorrow!

Muah, Miriam


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