Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Best of summer

Something strange has been happening in blogland. There are 2014 recaps everywhere. Is September the new December? What is happening people?? Bloggers in all the land are taking stock, revisiting their goals and resolutions they announced 8 months ago, and generally act like we don't have another 4 months to complete them. 

I have to admit, the change in season has rarely felt as pronounced as it does this time around. September 1 arrived, and boom - fall is here. Just like that. One of the first signs each year is when all of a sudden there are spiderwebs everywhere. You can't walk 5 steps around the farm without walking smack dab into one. Over the years, I have become quite immune to it, which is handy - just yesterday a big, elaborate web wrapped itself around my face, and I barely blinked. 

The next change my bird-loving husband noticed is how quiet the woods have become at night - meaning, a lot of birds seem to have left for the south already. 
Our animals look like they prepare for a tough winter, and they are never wrong. 
It all makes me a bit sad, like every year, because I'm just not ready yet to say goodbye to summer.  

So in the overall spirit of recaps of the year, and to revisit summer one more time, I decided to do a little summer recap. 

It really has been an incredible summer, one of the best ones ever in fact! There were a couple of roadtrips, our friend Karl-Heinz visited in May for 2 weeks, and we were lucky enough to get lots and lots of gorgeous sunshine.

Having Lily in my life makes everything so much more fun! I really love that little fluff butt. She was my faithful little sidekick all summer long.

I attended a first birthday party, one of my best friend's fun wedding, Lea's high school graduation, and quite a few dinner parties. Despite the realization of being an introvert, I felt I was quite social this summer!

We went not once, but twice on vacation, which is unusual for us. If you want to read about it, click hereherehere and here

Unfortunately, we also had to say goodbye to our sweet Bluey. She had 14 wonderful, adventurous years, and loved being a farm dog. She is buried under our field, where she liked to chase pigeons for hours on end. I imagine she can do so again without any pain now. Thanks for all the wonderful years Bluebird!  

Yes, it has been a great summer, with all its ups and downs. Taking a look back has put me in such a good mood, I think I will go out into the rain with the dogs now!

I am looking forward to being more productive again, and to see blogland come back to life. It always takes a collective break during the summer, and it will be nice to (hopefully) read posts of some of my faves again!

How was your summer? Are you ready for fall yet? 

xo Miriam

Linking up with Whitney for Blog Every Day in September

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  1. it's funny that you mention it, because for me too september kinda feels like the end of something. but in my case it could just be because i had so much work for school in july in august. in any case, i am very very ready for fall! i'm so excited about the leaves turning and going for walks in the forest to see all the beautiful colors. fall is definitely my favorite season. that doesn't mean i don't like summer though, especially when looking at your photos! they are beautiful and happy and light and that's what summer is too.

  2. Can you just make a Farm Girl calendar? Seriously? Lol I'd buy it :)
    By the way, I love the photo of you and your sweet Corgi hanging out the car window...it's just priceless :) It looks like you had such a wonderful summer!!! I've loved reading your blogs and will definitely continue to!
    ~ Samantha

  3. Love, Love the pictures!! This is so sweet! Sorry to hear about Bluey...14 years is a good life though. I absolutely moan the end of summer. This year it feels like our whole summer just flew by and we definitely did not get out and about in our usual summer fashion. I'm trying to talk P into a "resort" type vacation this winter, since I did not get my beach week this year.


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