Sunday, 19 October 2014


What is happiness? 

So many things:
Capturing magical light in a photo.
The first sip of coffee in the morning.
My dogs.
Crisp air.
Bright colours.
Living with animals.
Good friends.
A great book.
Bear hugs.
Feeling inspired.
Days off.
Planning future adventures.
Being at peace with oneself.
Long walks.
Finding the perfect dress in your size - and on sale.
Being happy with your life.
The love of a good man.

What is happiness for you? Link up with Helene and Taylor!

Oh, I almost forgot: Happiness is also writing this blog and having you read it!

Much love, Miriam 

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  1. Visiting from Blogtober! Your photos are gorgeous, it made me happy looking at them! Hope you had a wonderful Sunday!

  2. This is so sweet :) Crisp air, sunshine, and coffee in the morning are definitely on my list too!

  3. Definitely the first sip of coffee (or tea!), absolutely bright colors, living with animals (well, I live vicariously through you...until I get done with school!), and as for the love of a good man? Here's to hoping...
    It's so great to just take a step back and think about what makes you happy sometimes. I think we can get all wrapped up in other things far too often and let them blind us from things that make us truly happy :) What a great idea to make a list to reflect on like this!
    ~ Samantha

  4. Love your list! Mine would be very similiar to that. Great photos too!

  5. Hi Miriam! I don't know if you remember me, I used to follow you a while ago under the name 'A Cosy Little Corner'. I'm so glad I have found your blog again! I have been searching for a while! Hope you are doing well and your family are healthy and happy too! Much love from Vee xx

  6. Beautiful photos! Makes me feel happy just looking at them, specially at your sweet dogs :-) Have a GREAT week!

    1. Thank you so much! My animals, and in particular the dogs, are the biggest contributors to my happiness. Their unconditional love is the best thing ever!
      Thanks for stopping by! Have a wonderful week as well :-)

  7. Happiness is a rainbow after a summer storm, a good run, laughing with loved ones, singing along to a song at the top of your lungs, reaching a goal that scared you are first and you worked hard to get.
    Great pictures as always :)

  8. Love the Fall farm pictures!! Great reasons to be happy :) I think I don't have the same affinity for morning beverages that others have. I did have the best dirty chai yesterday though so maybe I'm turning a corner :)

  9. Bear makes me happy. Gosh he's cute.

    Happiness is sleeping in, fresh water, that euphoric feeling after you finish a good run.... And hot chocolate. Really thick, dark hot chocolate.


  10. oh, there are so many things that make me happy. lots of them are on your list too. your photos are so beautiful, btw!

  11. First sip of coffee is one of the things that makes me happy as well. Days off yes. And of course the love of a good man. I don't have dogs anymore but my cats make me happy. And of course your photos are absolutely stunning!


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