Friday, 31 October 2014

Style, Halloween edition

Arrr, ahoy me heartys! I keep this short, because I have a whole lotta swashbucklin' to do today.
A few words of wisdom: Fly the jolly roger with pride, beware of scallywags, and don't overdo the grog. But don't underdo it, either.
Shiver me timbers, have a happy Halloween!   

Costume: Spirit Halloween; boots: Target; knife and rum: my husband's

Yo-ho-ho! (And a bottle of rum.)

Ya wench, Miriam

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  1. I love it!!! Your fierce pirate expressions are awesome. And the costume is just terrific. I love costumes.

  2. What a fan-freaking-tastic costume!! The bottle of rum clinches the deal. Happy Halloween!

  3. I love the costume! You are rocking that eye patch.


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