Saturday, 11 October 2014

The sangria won

The last week has kicked my butt somewhat fierce. Blogging every day, working every day, getting Lily spayed and the associated anxiety (for me, not her - she is absolutely fine), prepping the house for Thanksgiving and hosting a family dinner last night - I am pooped. Add to that that I accidentally got drunk last night on autumn spice sangria, there was simply no way that I could think of things I would do if I was president. Making a law that prohibits the mixing of rum and wine is all I can come up with today. 

But I wanted to check in with you anyway, partly because I'm still determined to blog every day this month, and partly because I wanted to extended a huge, sincere thank you to you all.  

Thank you all so very much for commenting, following, tweeting (I'm looking at youSamantha), and generally rocking my world. You are spectacular!!!!!
I feel I could barely keep up this week, and I haven't been able to spend as much time as I would have liked on blog reading and commenting. Sorry my friends!
I haven't forgotten about you, just been overwhelmed.  

That's all I have for today. The old noggin isn't feeling its best, and I better return to the couch. 
I just wanted to let you know, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, that I'm thankful for YOU!!!!

Lot's of love, Miriam

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  1. My best recovery wishes to you, and thank you for the llama picture. Seriously, send more llama pictures. :)

  2. Hang in there! There's nothing wrong with a little Sangria...haha I hope you're feeling better :) And you have all of those awesome animals to comfort you and support you through it :) Or just cuddle with your puppy!
    ~ Samantha

  3. Hope you feel better! Happy Thanksgiving! I remember when I took my Ollie to be spayed last year and was a nervous wreck about it. I'm glad Lily is doing well.

  4. HAHAHA! The title of this post absolutely cracked me up, you're so cute. I had my fair share of sangria this weekend too! Friends requested it. Friends came over. Friends drank it. I drank it. Next morning not so good :) Hope you get back into the swing of things!

    1. I did, I hope you did, too! It was a very fun evening, but I think next time I'll stick to wine and water. :-)

  5. Ugh. Accidentally hungover is the worst.

    Feel better, lady!


  6. Your Thanksgiving dinner sounds amazing! Sneaky sangria!


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