Tuesday, 19 November 2013

A riddle

This morning I was woken up by the phone which is something I usually hate.

But the news I learned on said phone were so amazing that I didn't mind!

Here are a few clues as to what the news are:

Can you guess it?

Maybe now:

Oh I have to tell you:
We are going on a roadtrip after all! To California!! Rich surprised me with it this morning. I have no idea if he planned it or not, but who cares - we are going. He found somebody for the farm, got his work figured out, and I'm free as a bird anyway. Yay!
That will probably seriously interfere with my 19 goals in 19 days, but you gotta make sacrifices. (Ha! Easiest choice ever: tedious painting or going for an adventure? That one was easy kids.)

I'm SO fricking excited!! I'm taking my laptop and camera and plan on blogging on the road, practically taking you all with me so you can live vicariously through us. If you're into roadtrips.
At least that's the plan. We all know that life happens when you're busy making plans (or something like that). One point on my list will be crossed off for sure: We are going away for not only one night, but 7!

Best Tuesday surprise ever!

Have you had good news today?

Love, Miriam 


  1. This is so awesome! I am so glad that you are getting to go away after all. I love road trips!

  2. yaaay, so exciting!! what a nice surprise! ^^

  3. Have a wonderful time ! Is that the Pacific Coast Highway that you will be traveling down on ?


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