Monday, 25 November 2013

Weekly highlights: Vacation!

This is 3 days late - vacation brain, ya know?
Here are last week's highlights:

Friday, November 15th
Our new kitchen floor! I'm in love with it. It's worth the potty talk of the floor guys

Saturday, November 16th
Last day of work! I celebrated with wine and the season finale of ANTM. Yes, I still watch Tyra.

Sunday, November 17th
Did some painting, organizing and walking. Three things from my list! To get into the spirit of the season, I listened to Christmas Bliss, which is just delightful - Southern accent, a wedding, a baby and a snowy Christmas all included.

Monday, November 18th
We started the day off right by going for lunch where I unashamedly ordered a beer - why not? Afterwards we did a ton of chores and bought new clothes for Rich.

Tuesday, November 19th
The day of the surprise! It was also gloriously sunny, I got to play with some kid's toys, won at Operation, and found these cute ballet flats for $5.97. 

Wednesday, November 20th
Very busy morning, followed by a long drive. Our adventure has started!

Thursday, November 21st
We completed 1600 km that day, all due to Rich's awesome driving Mojo. Loving the alone time with him. 

xo Miriam


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