Wednesday, 27 November 2013


We drove over the Golden Gate Bridge yesterday! It was thrilling, I was really excited. After San Francisco we left Highway 1 and moved over to 101. It leads through beautiful wine country, a very enjoyable drive.
Today we saw the huge, impressive redwoods, hung out at a beautiful beach, and I fell in love with northern California and the tiny bit of Oregon we have seen thus far. It is SO gorgeous!!

Tonight we splurged, we are staying at a hotel right by the beach. Currently we are listening to the waves crashing against the shore and a fog horn in the distance.

Tomorrow is our last full day, Friday we are going home.

Happy Thanksgiving America, we thoroughly enjoy your country and hospitality!

Love, Miriam


  1. I am loving your updates, it is so beautiful up there and so hard not to stop at every little beach!

  2. You are so right, it's impossible lol! Really loving it, can't wait to see what the Oregon coast will bring today.

  3. Your trip looks like so much fun! And so romantic. Great pictures!


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