Tuesday 27 January 2015

What would you do with $100? + Let's grow together {link-up #4}

My husband and I are hairy beasts. He sports a proud chest of full hair, and can grow a beard that Grizzly Adams would envy. My ancestors must have come from the cold North, because my leg hair - when not kept in check - can double as furry pants in a pinch. Since furry pants are out I have to do my best to keep those hairs in check. My weapon of choice? The razor. Hair removal creams don't work for me, waxing scares me, and don't even get me started on laser treatments - I hear they are painful as well, and I'm not a fan of pain.
So shaving it is. It is quick, effective, painless - and expensive. We need the super-duty extra sharp razor blades for our coarse German hair, and it comes with a hefty price tag.

Imagine my delight when I came across Dollar Shave Club with their intriguing concept: Getting a razor delivered to your door, every month of the year. It starts at US$3.00/month (CA$3.50), which means you can save over a $100 a year!
Since I live under a rock most days, I had never heard of these guys before. That means I haven't tried them out yet, but I intend on doing so!

Even though I haven't saved money yet, I'm already contemplating what I will spend those $100 on.

Here are a few ideas:


Because, duh.

Spending future money is so much fun!
How would you spend an extra 100 bucks?  

*Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post. I wrote about it because I think it's a great concept and I love their commercial. I'm a sucker for funny commercials.* 

And now, let's link up my friends! I'm so happy about how well-received my little link-party is, and I'm looking forward to Wednesdays every week now. It's a happy hump day indeed!
Thank you all so much!!

Farm Girl



  1. Fredrik can grow a mega beard, well he has one now actually, but depending on where he is working he has to shave it so he has a whole slew of things to make it easier and while I used to groan about leg shaving what he goes through to have a smooth face for a day really puts it in perspective!

  2. Hahaha ohh this course German hair, preach! Let's see...$100 would cover half a textbook? A few tanks of gas to go home? Part of the bridesmaid dress I'll be buying soon for my brother's wedding?
    ...or the next 15 bottles of wine? ;)
    PS I love the corgi cookie cutter - how cute!
    ~ Samantha

  3. I've thought over and over about signing up for Dollar Shave Club because I'm SO lazy about buying razors. It's usually pointless even shaving my legs with the razors I use. Sad.


  4. That Corgi cookie cutter. You need it. It's not a want, it's a need.

  5. haha those corgi products! so cute.

    i really want to try to wax my legs sometime, but i'm too scared! so it's razors for me as well. that club sounds like a good idea, too bad they don't have it over here^^

  6. That is such a cute dress! But I think you need the giant gummy bear or maybe a brand new banana slicer?

  7. I had decided to join the Dollar Shave Club, as soon as I run out of the razors I currently have. I've heard a lot of good things, so glad to hear another positive review!


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