Friday, 11 March 2016

Style confessions: Items I bought for the blog

(and haven't worn in real life)

Guys, I have a confession to make. There are several items in my closet that I have never worn. Now, I know that many women can say that about their closets, but here is the twist: I bought mine specifically with the blog in mind. I did think I would wear them in real life, I hasten to add, but somehow I never have. Too out there? Impractical? Looking weird IRL? I honestly can't say why I'm not wearing them, just that I don't. 

My secret hope is that by publishing this post, I will be shamed inspired to give them a chance and wear them out!

Here are the three offenders:

From left to right: Tweed skirt with suspendersneoprene skirttutu.

Let's look at them one by one.

Exhibit #A: The tweed skirt
I found this skirt hanging all by itself and lonely in between a bunch of pastel spring clothes a couple of years ago. I have had several lucky breaks with random clothes that were in the wrong part of the store, or the last item left, so I decided that this was meant to be. The skirt had been discounted to $10, which made the decision a no-brainer.
I've worn this skirt twice on the blog (here and here), which is exactly two times more than IRL. It looks lovely in photos, but in reality it doesn't feel right. First of all, I can't tell which side is the front and which is the back, and that bugs me. (No surprise to anyone who knows me, I'm a bit OCD about these things.) It's also quite high-wasted, and I never know what to wear with it. Third, the suspenders are slightly too long and keep sliding off my shoulders, which is annoying. (And I can't sew. I know, I know, I should learn.)
To make a long story short, I recently donated the skirt, because I knew I would never wear it. My excuse?
Pinterest made me do it.

Exhibit B: The neoprene circle skirt
I had high hopes for this skirt. The flare with the nipped-in waist would look stylish and cute, I was sure. And it does!

Have a look:

Images found here, here and here

See? It looks fabulous - on other people. Not on me. I've tried this little skirt on countless times, just to take it off again and throw it in the corner. 
(I'm kidding. My OCD won't let me do that. I hang it back into the close, neat and tidy, yet somewhat less satisfying.)
I want to love it on me, but so far, I simply can't. What should I do?

Exhibit C: The tutu
Ever since Carrie Bradshaw, I've wanted a tutu. I was deprived of the Ballerina-experience as a child (apart from one memorable carnival that made all my little girl dreams come true), because I had to take piano lessons. And flute lessons. Hrumph.

Anyway, I had a hankering for the girliest of skirts for a long time, in large parts because of Carrie Bradshaw, but also because of pictures like these: 

Images (clockwise from the top left) found hereherehereherehere and here

Swoon! I just love it so much. 
When my tutu arrived last November, I was thrilled. The big box! The layers and layers of tulle! It was all so dreamy and fabulous!
Yet, beyond the initial photo shoot, I have yet to wear it a second time.
But I haven't given up on the tutu yet. All I need is a striped top (that's where I went wrong) and wavy hair. And then I will be just like Carrie!

Fellow bloggers, tell me: Have you ever bought clothes and not worn them except on the blog?


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